Season 2 Episode 3

By: Jesse Betend & Suzanne Hanney March 15, 2024
It's knives out in Chicago, as election season draws near.. and there will be mud.

On March 19th 2024, Chicagoans will see the end of a story multiple years in the making. Voters must decide if the city should create a dedicated source of funds to fight homelessness, but a million dollar astroturfing campaign from the real estate lobby is committed to preventing its passage. Once again.


Meanwhile Streetwise Editor Suzanne Hanney and Reporter A. Allen interview activist and former Alderperson, Helen Shiller whose legacy left an indelible mark on Chicago's Northside and discover that weaponizing the plight of the homeless is far from new.


Special thanks to Musician Andrew Bird who donated music from his Chicago-inspired, 2013 EP “I Want To See Pulaski At Night” and Block Club Chicago Reporter Joe Ward who broke many of the stories in this episode, also Chicago Alderpersons Maria Hadden & Helen Shiller, Nicole Bahena, Erin Ryan, Tom “The Mayor of Uptown” Gordon, and the many encampment residents we interviewed for this story.