Meet Our Vendors

Meet our vendors who are microentrepreneurs investing in their future. Every vendor purchases the magazine for $1.15 and sells it for $3.00 plus tips.


Robert Qualls
Robert Qualls
Robert Qualls
Roosevelt Harris
Roosevelt Harris
Roosevelt Harris
Ruben Garcia
Ruben Garcia
Ruben Garcia
Russell Adams
Russell Adams
Russell Adams
Sam Sanders
Sam Sanders
Sam Sanders
Scott Clinton
Scott Clinton
Scott Clinton
Sean Williams
Sean Williams
Sean Williams
Steve Allen
Steve Allen
Steve Allen
Steven Garron
Steven Garron
Steven Garron
Sylvia Spivey
Sylvia Spivey
Sylvia Spivey
Thomas Wells
Thomas Wells
Thomas Wells
Tim Thomas
Tim Thomas
Tim Thomas
Tim Travis
Tim Travis
Tim Travis
Trey Townsend
Trey Townsend
Trey Townsend
Troy Owens
Troy Owens
Troy Owens
Tyrone Franklin
Tyrone Franklin
Tyrone Franklin
William Klee
William Klee
William Klee
William Plowman
William Plowman
William Plowman
Willie Bray
Willie Bray
Willie Bray
Yolanda Shanklin
Yolanda Shanklin
Yolanda Shanklin